Wednesday, November 05, 2008

And now for a lovely bit of luck............

I got a call on Monday, would I do a catering for Tuesday? I almost said no, well at first I did say no. It was for 60 and I thought they were talking lunch. No they just needed a morning snack with coffee, tea and hot cider. Ok. Delivered to the airport at 10AM, Ok. Who is this for, I ask?

We need to have something for the press and staff when they get in town with Obama.

I did not drop the phone.

I said yes of course I can do this.

I baked all day Monday and into the night. You know I just have a small oven.

Well here is what I took to the airport for the President Elect and his entourage.
Mini muffins, scones, granola, yogurt, and fruit took care of the food.
The hot drinks were Fair Trade Organic coffees, 1 Guatemalan and 1 Timor, Kenyan tea, and hot apple cider from our local orchard.

So there you have it, my brush with politics and fame!

Cheers and here is to the next 4 years, may they be Great!

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